You thought it, but we said it.

Welcome to Perspectively Yours, where we fearlessly explore topics pivotal to our growth. Join us in candid conversations with women, delving into thoughts we seldom voice, and embracing transformative perspectives. From resilience to empowerment, we're here to embolden you to advocate for yourself, make informed choices, and craft the life you desire. Tune in and empower your journey with us.

How we met

We met as Beautycounter Brand Advocates and roommates on a trip to Austin, TX. This friendship and partnership were fate as we discovered we had the same mission: to talk to women just like us, who are multi-passionate.  They have full time jobs, side hustles, projects, and endless ideas.  But you can’t do any of that without resilience, which we both have tons of experience in as a leadership and life coach and a licensed therapist. Cue, the Perspectively Yours Podcast.

What they are saying

Shift your perspective

We’ll be with you every step of the way.