We’re passionate about having hard conversations, helping you grow and becoming your own best advocate.

Meet Alexis

A mother of two, found her calling in supporting women through motherhood after experiencing isolation following the birth of her first child. With a background in nutrition, birth and postpartum doula training, CrossFit, and sourdough education, she ventured into business and safer product advocacy with Beautycounter.

Her entire journey led her to mindset coaching, recognizing the power of personal narratives in entrepreneurship. Passionate about personal and professional growth, Alexis aims to create a supportive community where mothers feel understood, valued, and connected.

Her mission: to ensure every mother knows she is not alone.

Meet Sam

Sam, a multi-passionate, coffee-fueled woman, intertwines her diverse skill set, education, and passions to infuse purpose into her career and life. From outpatient therapy to school counseling and corporate settings, she thrives on educating and empowering others. With dual Masters degrees in professional counseling and business administration, she discovered her knack for marketing.

As a full-time behavioral and clinical advisor, Sam champions emotional well-being initiatives. For 4.5 years, she's been a Beautycounter brand advocate, empowering women to feel confident and informed. An IVF storyteller and proud mom to her son, and fur mom to golden retriever Charlie, she indulges in NJ diners, Real Housewives, and lives near the Golden Bachelor. Her life's mission? To unite and uplift others.


  • You wish you were superwoman, but you're not

    You're are trying to juggle partnership, parenthood, and your career, and it feels impossible!

  • You want to prioritize your own growth, but you don't know where to start

    You can’t seem to find an hour, let alone 5 minutes to think about what you want for yourself.

  • You are multi-passionate but you feel pulled in too many directions

    You need help finding clarity and articulating what it is you actually want to do.

We want you to have both

a full plate + a full cup

Tune in every Monday

Each week we drop into your favorite podcast platform with a new vulnerable, raw, and many times witty episode on how we are navigating life, challenging ourselves and conversations, and building resilience so we can keep moving forward.

The Perspectively Yours podcast dives into the wild world of motherhood, wellness, relationships, and emotional roller coasters. With hosts and guests spilling their personal growth tales, it's like a cozy chat nudging listeners to see things from fresh angles.

Shifting Your Perspective Toolkit

When we started our personal and self-growth journeys we both would have loved to have had a list of highly recommended resources by people we trusted. While we learned and gathered along the way, we decided that we wanted to curate a one-stop-shop easy button guide with all of our favorite books, podcasts. TedTalks, and wellness tips. 


We took a deep dive into what and who we've learned from, vetted our collection, and crafted the Shifting Your Perspective Toolkit which gives you a “cheat sheet” of resources when it comes to emotional well-being, motherhood, career, wellness, and relationships. 

Join the Conversation

Whether you are following along with us on Instagram, reading our newsletter, writing us a raving 5 star review, or you’ve joined our book club, we value your input, your experiences, and your willingness to share. We hope you pull up a seat and feel like you are joining our conversation. There is always a seat at our table for you.

Have you grabbed your free Shifting Your Perspective Toolkit?