Episode 5. The Ultimate Face-Off: Motivation vs. Discipline

Many of us are sitting around waiting to be motivated to take action, but in reality it’s the discipline and consistency of committing to something and sticking with it that keeps us moving forward.

In today’s episode we’re exploring all the ins and outs of what can keep us from reaching goals and how we can shift our mindset to get ourselves out of the start-stop cycle to finally achieve what we’ve set out to do. We share resources and shed light on the ever common question – do we need motivation to get where we want to go?

In this episode we discuss:

  • The difference between motivation and discipline

  • How our thoughts lead to outcomes

  • Strategies for building up your discipline muscles

  • Having a “more than nothing” mindset 

  • How consistency compounds

  • How discipline holds up your passion

Resources and links for this episode:


Episode 6. Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down with Jana Jacobson


Episode 4. Get Your Hormones in Check After 40 with Rose Yodzio