Episode 7. Gift Giving is Not Just an Exchange of Dollars

Gift giving can often come with high expectations on both the giving and receiving ends, and can even feel like an exchange of dollars rather than a season of thoughtfulness. How we give is often through our own lens, which can be an opportunity to show others how we see them and value them, but can also be misconstrued when the person receiving the gift may not feel the same way. How do we navigate a season of high spend and high expectations without overextending ourselves or hurt feelings? In today’s episode we are putting ourselves in another’s quite literal shoes when it comes to deciding on the perfect gifts. Hint: it’s not hiking boots for us!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Giving with thoughtfulness vs giving out of obligation

  • Gifts that missed the mark but had good intentions

  • Expectation resistance 

  • Does the value of our worth equate to our own self-worth?

  • Overextending ourselves during the holidays 


Episode 8. The Intersection Where Mindset Meets Health Shifts with Lindsey Conway


Episode 6. Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down with Jana Jacobson