Episode 10. Mental Health In Entrepreneurship

Oftentimes on the outside looking in, the entrepreneurial space is full of bright, shiny, successful people who run like energizer bunnies. They never stop hustling, and they never talk about their *real* struggles. We’re here to share with you someone who has embraced both sharing their success in their business + struggles with their mental health. Because both can exist with intentionality. Enjoy this conversation with Cari Eskridge!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Accepting + working with your mental health diagnosis

  • Setting yourself up for success through support systems

  • Advocating for your needs

  • When you ask for help, you have to be open to it

  • Studying how your mental illness is personal to you

  • The effect of a traditional job vs. entrepreneurship on Cari’s mental health

  • Advice for people who struggle with their mental illness and want to pursue entrepreneurship 

  • The power of sharing our experiences

  • Impact of hustle mentality in the entrepreneurial space

Resources and links for this episode:


Episode 11. Just Pause: Shifting Your Perspective On New Year’s Resolutions


Episode 9. The People Pleasing Dilemma