Episode 11. Just Pause: Shifting Your Perspective On New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! We’re turning things on their head today and really re-thinking goal setting. It always seems like it’s the thing we’ve got to do the second the year changes, but should we even be setting goals in the dead of winter? That’s exactly what we’re here to explore today, so if you’re not even in the mood for thinking about setting goals after a busy holiday season, settle in knowing this is for you.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How season cycles work with our internal state

  • Deep reflection is necessary to set ourselves up for success in setting + achieving goals

  • The need for rest to spark creativity

  • Emotions affecting setting or not setting goals

  • Not meeting a goal doesn’t mean failure

  • Growth vs. fixed mindset

  • What might get in your way when it is time to work towards your goal

Resources and links for this episode:

“Do Less” by Kate Northrup

Carol Dweck: A Summary of Growth and Fixed Mindsets”


Episode 12. Decluttering 2024 with Courtney Florey


Episode 10. Mental Health In Entrepreneurship